Our family has made the decision to consume (gasp) unpasteurized raw milk! That's right, we are the weirdos! We have had lots of interest (both positive and negative) in this choice and so we decided to write down some thoughts on this controversial subject.
There are several deadly pathogens that can grow in dirty and improperly handled milk which is why if you are going to consume raw milk, you should be familiar with the process by which a dairy gets its milk.
We would not buy just any raw milk. We went to the dairy first, took a tour, spoke to representatives, made phone calls, wrote emails, did research, talked to people, and finally made the decision to buy raw milk from the Windsor Dairy.

Raw Milk
“Raw” milk is whole fat milk that has not been pasteurized or homogenized.
Originally developed from a sterilization technique used on beer and wine, pasteurization is a heating process designed to destroy all bacteria and enzyme activity in milk.
Homogenization is a process in which whole milk is forced through small orifices under very high pressure breaking the fat globules into much smaller particles and preventing the cream from rising to the top.
Both the high heat and the intense pressure of these two processes alter the color, flavor, and nutritional value of the end product.
For most people the idea of consuming unpasteurized milk is as foreign and dangerous as terrorism. In American culture the danger of unclean and diseased raw milk is an axiom we take for granted, we just don’t consume it, and never would.
But think back to a bygone era not that long ago when milk came from cows, cows that our grandparents may have milked. Milk that was not super-heated to purge all of its infinite disease but simply placed in bottles and drank.
What happened to raw milk as a staple? How did the consumption of raw milk become such a stigma in our culture?
The seeds were planted in our minds when we were first told about the Windsor Dairy, a natural and organic dairy that sells cow shares to the public in exchange for the right to purchase raw milk. Raw milk, it turns out, is illegal to consume in Colorado by anyone other than the owner of the cow. You can’t just go to Whole Foods and buy it (in Colorado.)
I need to clarify my version of consumable raw milk, the kind made available by the Windsor Dairy. When we talk about consuming raw milk, it’s not just “raw”, it’s also grass fed and organic.
According to nutrition consultant Randolph Jonsson, consumable, safe, raw milk is determined by the way in which the cows are treated, what their diet includes, and how the milk is processed (or rather, not processed.) Clean raw milk is “ideally cow's milk taken straight from animals fed only organic, green grass, rapidly cooled to somewhere around 36-38 degrees F., and bottled. That's it. No processing, just filtration, and cooling.”
Grass Fed and Organic
The key here is grass. Cows need to eat grass, not grains. This diet is extremely rare in the dairy industry, but vital to the safety and benefits of raw milk. Studies have shown that feeding starchy grains such as corn to dairy cows can affect the acidity of the cow's stomach environment and change fat and nutrient levels.
The reason that dairys feed their cows corn is because its very cheap and it causes the cows to produce large amounts of milk very quickly. A corn fed cow can produce up to fifteen gallons of milk a day compared to a grass fed cow which can only produce about two gallons a day.
Representatives from the Windsor Dairy including owner and bovine veterinarian Meg Cattell explained that cows fed corn and other grains can produce considerably more milk than a grass fed cow. However, each batch of milk produced contains the same amount of vitamins and nutrients whether it’s divided into fifteen gallons or two gallons. In other words, grass fed cows produce less milk than their corn-fed contemporaries, but the nutritional value of the grass-fed milk is considerably more concentrated.
Another downside to the hyper-production of milk by corn-fed dairy cows is that their utters are unnaturally stretched causing them to become infected easily, requiring the introduction of antibiotics and a high rate of “somatic” cells, or pus in the milk.
Over the millennia of cattle husbandry, a cows physiology has developed to eat grass, not corn. Simply stated, when cows eat corn their digestive system reacts by producing high amounts of acid, an environment that encourages the growth of deadly e.Coli bacteria. Without the presence of this acid, e.Coli dies off within a few days and cannot grow in the digestive tract of a grass fed cow.
Organic cows are free range and are not given any type of growth hormone or antibiotic. The cows at the Windsor Dairy are only fed organic, native grasses and never given any kind of corn or other grains.
Someone suggested to me recently that if I wanted the purest and fresheshest raw milk I should get a cow of my own. I would have to heartily disagree. I don’t know anything about cows. I also don’t have the ability to test milk for impurities. To get the best milk you need the best dairy staffed by people who believe in the philosophy of the product. Milk can be dangerous if not handled properly and that task is best left up to experts.
When milk production began to become a business, not just a farm staple, the world was a much dirtier place. Milk was stored in wooden barrels at room temperature and was collected by workers that didn’t understand sanitation. The probiotic properties of milk combined with these dangerous collection methods created a recipe for disaster. Food borne illnesses began to propagate and sicken people leading to the push to require pasteurization.
The sanitation standards are low in a big dairy because the milk is always headed for pasteurization. In today’s standard dairy, cows stand in close quarters in their own feces instead of in the pasture. Their corn-fed swollen utters drag in the feces and are stepped on creating infections. Cows are milked three times a day causing strains to their already swollen and strained utters. This combination can put a great deal of dangerous bacteria into the milk.
The Windsor Dairy utilizes a sophisticated system to maintain the highest sterility standards. Cows are not kept in small pens but are allowed into pastures meaning that they do not stand in their own feces. During the milking process, the cows are first hosed off with water to remove any feces that may have splattered onto their utters. Next, the utters are cleaned with iodine. The milk is then sucked into a large stainless-steel vat where the milk is tested for disease and infection and also has it’s somatic cells counted to insure that there is not a large amount of pus in the milk. The cows utters are then cleaned with iodine again and the cows return to the pasture to continue to eat grass.
Pasteurization and Homogenization
Clean, raw, grass-fed milk is loaded with powerful nutrients that are not easily found anywhere else. This type of milk contains concentrated healthy fats that have been shown to be powerful antioxidents and contain both antibiotic enzymes and probiotic properties. Raw milk has been shown to actually remove fat from your body and also contains natural hormones that cause muscle development.
Pastuerization kills all of these beneficial enzymes, alters the flavor of the milk, and causes milk to sour over time. Good bacteria rich raw milk doesn’t sour, it just thickens over time until it becomes a solid, just like yogurt.
One of the worst types of bacteria that can be found in milk is Crone’s Disease (Mad Cow) which is NOT destroyed in the pasteurization process.
The Westin Price Foundation says that pasteurization “destroys enzymes, diminishes vitamin content, denatures fragile milk proteins, destroys vitamins C, B12, and B6, kills beneficial bacteria, promotes pathogens and is associated with allergies, tooth decay, colic in infants, growth problems in children, osteoporosis, arthritis, and heart disease.”
Milk contains larger cholesterol heavy molecules in the form of cream which naturally pass through the human body. Through the process of homogenization, these molecules are broken down to give milk a more uniform look. These smaller molecules then are absorbed by the body instead of being rejected and have been linked to the skyrocketing rate of heart disease in the US.
Raw milk is not homogenized and is therefore much better for your heart.
Conclusion and Links
The bottom line for us is that clean, raw milk from grass-fed cows is vital to our health and the health of our children. However, don’t take our word for it or that of anyone else. Do your own research. Don’t make a decision based on a TV show or what you think you know. Go to a dairy, ask questions, do some research before you decide the facts based on conventional wisdom.